Volunteer Opportunities
We have numerous committees and sponsorship opportunities that the public can be involved with. If you specialize in any of these areas, we'd love to hear from you!
Fundraising Committee
The Fundraising Committee will be responsible for providing and raising capital and operating funds to ensure the financial viability and stability of the Organization and its ability to fulfill the Organizational goals.
Selection Committee
The Selection Committee will be responsible for reviewing applications to ensure applicants fulfil identified requirements and for selecting recipients who will receive a grant. The Selection Committee will determine amount of grant to be distributed based on established guidelines.
Community Engagement Committee
The Community Engagement Committee will identify community partners, potential volunteers, and opportunities to promote awareness of the Organization’s mission and available services.
Marketing Committee
The Marketing Committee will develop strategies to foster awareness of and encourage consumer involvement and investment in the mission of the Organization.
Education Committee
The Education Committee will be made up of licensed Real Estate Agents and Mortgage Loan Originators, with additional Credit Repair classes being taught by specialists as needed.
Membership Committee
The Membership Committee will work closely with the finance committee to oversee the intake of members and keep our database up to date with their contact info, photos, and payment. They will oversee all communication to the members our mailing list and website.
Can you help us?
Take a minute to fill out this short interest form and we’ll get back to you right away!